Saturday, June 11, 2016

11 Jun 2016: Things I expected to find, but haven’t (yet).

1) There are not as many knights walking around as I expected.

2) I have not yet found a werewolf to bite me,

nor have I run across any vampires.

As far as I know. If you know one, let me know.

3) Fairies are much harder to find than you'd expect. I can neither confirm nor deny that I found one in a circle of mushrooms at midnight.

4) So many birds! At any given time, there are maybe 15 or more birds in our yard.  Lots of blackbirds.

5) We have an owl that I hear all the time. It seems to live in the eaves of one of the nearby apartment buildings. It hoots all the time. However, I haven’t yet had an Owl deliver my mail.

6) I have not yet found a Frenchman with a twirly moustache. Not even in France.

7) I grew up watching Pippi Longstocking. I guess I expected to find more red headed Swedish girls with odd side-pony tails.

8) Most disappointing: I have yet to find any huts with chicken legs.

I think Baba Yaga probably isn’t currently touring Europe.

Bonus) Toilet Seat Wall from Bauhaus (local DIY place.)

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