Friday, January 27, 2017

TILIG - 27 Jan 2017

I have a Dr that has an office in a nice building.  The first time I went, there was no street parking, but there was underground parking.  This one was odd, because you didn't get a ticket when you went in, you just pressed a button, and it let you in.

When I was done with the appointment, and went to leave, I noticed that there was a coin slot there.  I tried a bunch of coins, nothing worked.  Pressed the "Connect me to a human" button. It didn't work.  So, I had to back out and park again.  I went inside looking for a pay station to buy a token, nothing. Then I noticed a small sign, about 10 meters from the entrance that says it's run by tokens.

It turns out that the tenants of the building (including my doctor) have to pay for those tokens and they give them to their customers.  Except mine.  He's too cheap.  I had to get one from another business to get out. They cost 50 cents.  I'm pretty sure that Audi R8 that I saw in the parking lot was his. 

Here, there are very stealthy speed cameras.  I never seem to notice them until I'm almost past them.  Here's my process:

  1. Say: "Huh, that's a speed cam...."   
  2. Look at my speedometer.  
  3. Hope that I haven't been speeding past this one every day for a month and that I might have 15 tickets coming. 
This one's pretty obvious, but usually they're hidden in bushes.

Some of the highway numbers are very long.  The GPS lady always says the number (ex. L9735) like this: "Neun tausend, Sieben hundert, fünf und dreißig".  When I say the number to someone, do I say it as digits: "Ell neun sieben drei fünf" or like the GPS lady says it?

We ran across these cups.  They have a large cup on one side, and a small one oh the other, on swivels. No idea what they're for, but I'd assume they're for the toast at a wedding?  I happen to know that my wife can out-drink me, so for us, I'd get the smaller side.

Gratuitous Santa Claus selfie statue

We get these strange pop up stores in front of the supermarket that we use.  Depending on the season, it can be vegetables, "new wine", or booze.   But I find that it's usually booze (alcohol.)

I had Tuna on pizza for the first time last night. It's a thing.  It wasn't bad, but I didn't notice the tuna (thunfisch) before I bit into it, so it was a surprise. 

Then again, I really love pineapple (Ananas) on my pizza, so clearly I have no reason to complain about unusual ingredients on a pizza.


  1. No one says "L9735". Because no one knows the name of these small streets (Landstraßen). ;)

  2. :) I spoke to my German teacher about this, and she agreed.
