Sunday, September 11, 2016

Today I learned in Paris 11-Sep 2016

Today I learned in Paris 11 Sep 2016

1. An imagined conversation:


Me: mit pommes, bitte
Waiter, french accent: You want your hamburger with apples, Monsieur?
Me: Oh, um. With freedom fries? American fries?
Waiter: You're in France
Me: …. Kartoffeln? Potatoes? Fries? Apples of the ground?
Waiter: …
Me:… Pomme Frites?
Waiter: (sigh)

2. The girls got an appetizer: Marrow bones and toast. Literally, giant cow bones, cut in half, with jelly-like marrow in the middle, and small spoons. Almost made me gag. The girls thought it was just bland. They are far more open to trying new things than me. I would be fine never having tasted marrow or snails.

3. Generally, every non-alcoholic drink has cost us at least 5 euros. Even the tiny bottle drinks.

  • Alcoholic drinks were at least 12 euros.
  • Dinner at a moderately priced restaurant cost at least 150 euros.
  • Breakfast cost between 50 and 100 Euros for four of us.

It's a little expensive here.

4. When I was a teenager, I liked a band called Berlin (!), who had a song called The Metro:

I'm alone
Sitting with my empty glass
My four walls
Follow me through my past

I was on a Paris train
I emerged in London rain
And you were waiting there
Swimming through apologies

I remember searching for the perfect words
I was hoping you might change your mind
I remember a soldier sleeping next to me
Riding on the Metro

You wore white
Smiling as you took my hand
So removed
We spoke of wintertime in France

Minutes passed with shallow words
Years have passed and still the hurt
I can see you now
Smiling as I pulled away

I remember the letter wrinkled in my hand
"I'll love you always" filled my eyes
I remember a night we walked along the Seine
Riding on the Metro

I remember a feeling coming over me
The soldier turned, then looked away
I remember hating you for loving me
Riding on the Metro

I've had this song in my head for four days. I walked along the Seine, I was on a Paris train, but I didn't ride the Metro, oddly.

5. Nearly everyone was very nice: waiters, people we've met at dinner and nearly everyone else we interacted with. I expected rude waiters, mean people speaking to me with disdain, etc. But it's been a great experience.

6. We saw few dogs here. In Germany, there are many, many more dogs around.

7. Being in the Louvre was surreal. Seeing all that iconic art that I never thought I'd experience in person. The Mona Lisa was disappointing, but the other DaVincis were amazing. Sadly, we were very tired from all of the adventures, so we didn't see as much as I'd have expected.

8. I wish we had time to visit the D'Orsay and I could have seen some Van Goghs.

9. I was surprised at how relaxed it was in the Louvre. In many galleries in the states, there are strict rules about taking pictures, getting near art work, and a docent in every room watching everyone. Here, there was very little of that.

10. When we did the river tour, the Seine was lined with people sitting, eating, kissing, and just spending quality time with each other. It was inspiring.

11. Near the various landmarks, there were often artists sitting and drawing or painting . Also inspiring (as an artist.)

12. The French VigiPirate security people walking around with automatic weapons was actually comforting.

13. I assumed originally that VigiPirate meant that they were vigilantly protecting us against Blackbeard.

14. There was a terrorist scare near the Notre Dame Friday. Put my stomach in knots, but didn't ruin the trip.

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