Wednesday, September 7, 2016

TILIP (today I learned in Paris) 07 Sep 2016

1. I don't know why, but I expected the graffiti to be more.. Um...French. I guess I thought there would be long french slogans or something. Viva La Revolution! But it's the same crap. Someone's initials or a short word. Boring.

2. I also expected the graffiti to be of better quality. Maybe with some impressionist influence.

3. I've already found a cheesemonger. Excuse me, Fromaggerie. Can't wait. Please don't tell me that french cheese is boring. You'd crush my dreams.

4. In Germany, we have a very famous "walking man" traffic signal, called the Ampelmännchen. He's the green guy that shows when you can cross the street. He's very jaunty and seems serious about where he's going. The corresponding signal here in Paris is a skinny, thin guy who seems to be a little shiftless, maybe someone who doesn't think that work is important and who is going to a cafe to have a smoke and whatever it is that french people drink. (Tea? wine? Probably wine.)

5. In Germany, the "don't walk" man looks like a traffic cop directing traffic. Here's it's a fat guy.

6. SO many Doner places in Paris. At least near the train station.

7. I'm having a really hard time not using Deutsche when speaking to people. Of course, so far, everyone speaks excellent English.

8. There were police at the train station stopping people to look at passports (security is still tight, understandably.) I, however, am apparently not any kind of threat. It's kind of like when you stop getting asked to see your ID in order to buy a drink.


10. The first thing we saw when we got off the train? Starbucks. And two more starbucks stores on the way to the flat.

11. I was disappointed that I did not see a single person wearing a beret, nor did I see anyone in those horizontal striped blue and white shirts, and NOBODY did any "dance fighting". My expectations are clearly not set correctly.

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