Wednesday, April 6, 2016


1. Something in Germany (actually many things) agrees with me. I got good news from the Doctor about my cholesterol, and a bunch of other things. All back to normal after being problematic for many years. I'm sure it's partly all of the exercise (and losing weight). But it's probably not all of the bread, cheese and pork.
2. A tram called Str 5 is NOT the same as the S5. I figured this out after only a few stops, luckily. And I only had to walk most of a kilometer.
3. Sitting in the enclosed waiting room at the doctor's office is an exercise in trying not to breathe in all of the coughing and sneezing spores. This time, I wasn't sick (just getting test results), but I suspect in 7-10 days I will be.
4. Trying to mime giving a urine sample with a nurse who speaks no English is both not fun and embarrassing for both of us. As is trying to spell your name for her to write on the cup. The phrase "Alles Gut" is my friend.

5. They give me 100 tablets for my prescriptions and it costs me 5 Euros (total.) Not having to get refills every 30 days is awesome.

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