Thursday, May 5, 2016


1. May in the state of Baden-Wurtenburg has three holidays in it, two are thursdays, which make natural 4 day weekend candidates.

2. I went to the doctor last week.  I managed to check in using German (with a very nice lady who spoke great English when I ran out of German words) After an hour of waiting, I went to the front desk to ask how much longer it wound be, and the formerly very nice lady got very angry and said quite a lot of things that I didn't understand.  So I waited some more.

3. There are so many kinds of milk!

Landmilch (country milk) - Minimum 3.8% fat
Vollmilch (whole milk) - Min 3.5% fat
Fettarme (low fat milk) - 1.5-1.8% fat
Magermilch (skimmed milk) - max 0.3% fat.

Then there are the different kinds of sterlization.

Rohmilch (raw milk) no heat treating. haven't seen this in stores.

Vorzugmilch (filtered raw milk). Lasts no more than 96 hours from bottling in fridge.

Frish Milch (pasturized). Lasts a maximum of 10 days in fridge

Laenger-Frish Milk (or ESL milk). Lasts up to 20 days in fridge

UHT-Milch. Lasts at room temp from 3-6 months

Sterimilch (sterilized milk).  Lasts at room temp for at least 6 months.

We buy Frish milch (actually we buy Alpenmilch, no idea what the difference is. From the Alps? Aplen kuhe?)

And don't get me started on the kinds of butter and how rare salted butter is!  We can't only find Irish Butter that's salted (so far.)

4) Pork Neck Steaks.  This is a thing here.  I don't mind it, but it has so much gristle (sometimes) and weird bits that Robin won't touch it.  I have not yet tried pork knuckle.

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