Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Be careful reading on the tram. It’s very easy to miss one or more stops and end up in Berlin. 
Everyone is VERY quiet on the tram. It’s a little creepy. Once, yesterday, two people said hello (they obviously knew each other), shook hands and sat next to each other and never spoke again the entire trip.
Every time I looked up from my kindle app, more than one person was staring at me. Usually, I can just look someone in the eye and smile and they'll stop, but not today. No smile. Just a continued stare. Except for the guy with a glass eye. Not sure if he was staring at me or not.

German milk containers are tiny. I’m used to gallon sized jugs. I could easily chug one of these.

Pedestrians are not the top of the food chain. In Seattle, people would step off the curb, without caring if a car was coming and the car had to stop. I take my life in my hands whenever I step off the curb here. Or cross in front of a stopped tram. Those things startup and move surprisingly quickly.

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