Saturday, February 27, 2016

27.02.2016 Saturday shopping so we don't starve tomorrow edition.

1) There aren't drug stores like Walgreens here. Or rather, you can't get prescriptions at them. There's a store called DM that has everything you'd normally get in a Walgreens. For prescription meds, you have to go to an Apoteke.
2) Sandwich bread is often called American bread. And it's VERY dense. And small. Like square hockey pucks.
3) We couldn't find Baking Soda. Baking Powder is BakPulver
4) The Deli mayo that we've bought is more like Miracle Whip.
5) We went to a new grocery store today. A little further than the Real which is across the street. It's called Rewe. How do you pronounce that? Ree Wee? Rooeh? It was smaller than the Real, and had no real meat department. But, like many stores, had more candy than any other store I've seen. Granted, it's near easter, but still. SO MUCH CANDY
6) SO many curried flavored things. Curry Ketchup sounds interesting. Probably for Curry Wurst, which is awesome,except when they pour curry powder on it, which is less than awesome.
7) There's bacon like I'm used to seeing, but most of what we've found is VERY thin. They end up being very small at the end. But the house smelled like Bacon, so it was worth it.

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