Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I'm going to a more general format. I'm not learning little things every day anymore.

1) Snow is NOT a big deal in karlsruhe. But having grown up in So Cal, where it's never snowed at my house, it still makes me happy.
2) On a tram, the way to take the remaining seat in a group of four facing each other is to step ahead of the seat, and back into it without looking or asking. Even if there's a backpack on it, they'll move it.
3) There was this one kid on the tram yesterday, maybe 10, who I had a staring contest with. Like I've said before, usually, I can just stare back at them and they stop staring, but this time, it was a battle of wills. He finally looked away when I smiled at him. Another weapon in my train staring contest arsenal.
4) Crossing train tracks in a very busy place like Kronenplatz is scary. If you're lucky, a train driver will wave you over. If you're unlucky, he watches you as he starts to accelerate.
5) The fresh fruit and vegetable truck showed up today. Seems a little early, but I bought a big basket of fresh strawberries for 1 euro.
6) SO MANY MORE COINS to worry about. I've taken to keeping the .5, 1, and 2 euro coins, and leaving the rest at home. I wonder if there's a coinstar in Germany where I can trade them in for paper cash. Or a prize or something.

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